To find out duplicate records from 2 separate schemas please the follow example: target_schema1 and target_schema2 table on target_schema2 create table tamp1 (text_desc Varchar2(5), Text_id number); insert rows : insert into tamp1 values ('xxxx',1111); insert into tamp1 values ('zzzz',3333); table on target_schema1 create table tamp2 (text_desc Varchar2(5), Text_id number); insert rows : insert into tamp2 values (xxxx,1111); insert into tamp2 values ('yyyy',2222); log in to target_schema1 and run : SQL> grant select on tamp2 to target_schema; log in to target_schema2 and run : SQL> grant select on tamp1 to target_schema; now log in to target_schema1 OR target_schema2 run the sql query : SQL> select * from target_schema.tamp1 2 union all 3 select * from oe.tamp2; TEXT_DESC TEXT_ID ----- ---------- xxxx 1111 zzzz 3333 xxxx 1111 yyyy 2222 --CREATE A TABLE TO FIND OUT DUPLICATE RECORDS. SQL> create table test as 2 select * from target_schema.tamp1 3 union all 4* select * from oe.tamp2; Table created. SQL> select * from test; TEXT_ TEXT_ID ----- ---------- xxxx 1111 zzzz 3333 xxxx 1111 yyyy 2222! SQL> select * from test a 2 where a.rowid>(select min(b.rowid) from test b 3 where a.text_id = b.text_id); TEXT_ TEXT_ID ----- ---------- xxxx 1111